

To: Central Offices, Intergroups, and Answering Services for United States and Canada. From: Derek D. Sobriety Date: March 13, 1981 - 36 years. Birthdate: August 29, 1944 - 72 years. Born Again Date: April 28, 1991 - 26 years. Twin Soul's Birthdate: March 13, 1969 - 48 years. I sent you "Don't Shoot the Messenger" about two years ago by snail mail. Total sent: 694 (629 to the USA, and 65 to Canada). It cost approximately $1500. I really couldn't afford it financially, however I couldn't afford not to do it spiritually. I feel God did reward me. My elderly mother gave me $15000 from the sale of her apartment. Pennies from heaven. Mike, my youngest step-son is doing the emailing for me. Believe it or not, I don't have internet access. Not even a cell phone. It's even more embarrassing, because I am still registered as a Chartered Accountant. I lost my partnership in a lucrative accounting firm - Ellis, Foster, and Co. - because of my alcoholism. That was in the late 1970's. Two or three years from my sobriety date of March 13, 1981. We are now called Chartered Professional Accountants (C.P.A., C.A.). I just throw that in for free. I regret calling myself a Christian because people have preconceived ideas what that means. My beliefs, do not line up with Christian fundamentalists sitting in the pews. I differ in at least five areas: 1.) I don't believe in literal hell. 2.) I don't believe in the rapture. 3.) I believe paradise will be restored to planet Earth. Virtually certain, the Jehovah Witnesses believe as I do. 4.) I believe in past lives, reincarnation, and twin souls. 5.) I believe Jesus has returned as The Holy Spirit, Forty days after his crucifixion. My twin soul and I have synchronicity with March 13. Thus! My email address ends with 0313. Let me know if you have any date synchronicities with August 29, 1944, March 13, 1981, and April 28, 1991. I would suggest the following books: 1.) From Death Do I Part - Amy Lee Coy. 2.) Fireflies, Drunks and God - Charlie B. 3.) Love and Addiction - Stanton Peele. 4.) In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts - Gabor Mate. 5.) Time for Truth - Nick Bunick. 6.) The Lost Sisterhood - Julia Ingram. 7.) The Days of Wonder - Gary Hardin. 8.) The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown. 9.) The Woman with the Alabaster Jar - Margaret Starbird. 10.) People of the Lie - Dr. M. Scott Peck. 11.)Hillary's America - Dinesh D'Souza. Two of my possible past lives - Dante, and Davy Crockett. I know this is a lot. Take what you want, and leave the rest behind. Blessings to you all.

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